AmeriCANS Who Made America: 18th Century – Birth of The Republic

by Richard V. Battle

40 Ordinary Americans whose AmeriCAN-do efforts contributed to our prosperity.

Their stories will give you hope for the future and motivate you to reach for the stars of your dreams!

Will we honor their examples gifting future generations?

Indoctrinating Our Children to Death: Government Schools’ War on Faith, Family, & Freedom – And How to Stop It

Building on over a decade of research and investigative reporting into the indoctrination, sexualization, and dumbing down of children, Alex Newman documents the untold history behind government education and its founders like nobody has ever done before. Among other bombshells, the book proves that the system is not “broken,” but is working well when considering the goals of its architects. These goals included turning Americans away from God, fundamentally transforming the nation away from its constitutional foundations, and more. Using primary-source documentation, interviews, and insights from leading experts, Newman not only diagnoses the problem but also offers true solutions that are long overdue.